SE @ York Seminars - Rafael Caue Cardoso on Integrating Automated Planning with a Multi-Agent System Framework

Integrating Automated Planning with a Multi-Agent System Framework

Rafael Caue Cardoso, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, Brazil

Thursday November 28th, 4pm-5:30pm,
Tentative: Technology Enhanced Learning 3062 (TEL3062)

The agents research area evolved rapidly through the mid 90s, and since then the agent community has been expecting intelligent agents to become a key technology in computer systems. Although that moment is taking longer than expected back then, with the increasing advance of distributed systems, and more recently multi-core processors, there are evidence that both academia and industry are starting to look for concurrent and parallel programming languages. However, there are many research challenges to be addressed in Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) before that happens, such as integrating Multi-Agent Planning (MAP) algorithms in a Multi-Agent System (MAS) platform, which is precisely the topic of this work. We chose three recent general-purpose MAP algorithms, each algorithm using a different approach to automated planning, and integrate them with the JaCaMo MAS framework.

Short bio: Rafael is a Master's student at PUCRS. He is supervised by Rafael Bordini, a very well known researcher in Agent-Oriented Software who developed the popular Jason BDI Agent Programming Language.