Software adaptation in socio-technical systems
Fabiano Dalpiaz,, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada
Wednesday, November 21st, 2pm-3:30pm
Technology Enhanced Learning Building - TEL 3062
Self-adaptive software systems are systems that monitor their environment and compensate if there are deviations from their requirements. Self-adaptivity is particularly important for distributed systems that involve both software and human/organizational actors because of the volatility as well as uncertainty that permeates their operational environments. We refer to such systems as Socio-Technical Systems (STSs). In this talk, we will present a framework for designing self-adaptive software that operates within an STS. The framework enables building requirements-driven systems, which rely upon (i) goal models to express system requirements, and (ii) social commitments to represent the relationships between the considered system and other systems in the STS. I will show how these systems keep their mission fulfilled while establishing and rearranging a network of interactions with other systems.