Monthly Archives: February 2011

SE @ York Seminars - Mark Shtern on Factbase and Decomposition Generation

Factbase and Decomposition Generation Dr. Mark Shtern, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, York University Friday, February 25th, 3:30pm Computer Science and Engineering Building - CSEB3033 The software maintenance research community has developed a large number of approaches that can help maintainers understand large software systems accurately and efficiently. However, tools that can facilitate research […]

SE @ York Talks - Vera Werneck on Modeling an Educational Multi-Agent System in MaSE

Modeling an Educational Multi-Agent System in MaSE. Dr. Vera Maria Benjamim Werneck, IME-Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, UERJ-Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Friday, February 11th, 2011, 4:00pm Technology Enhanced Learning Building - TEL 3062 The growing complexity of modern systems is demanding more and more time from software designers and developers. The challenge […]