From YFile - York's daily bulletin: Computer scientist wins awards for cloud computing. This has been a banner year for Marin Litoiu. The computer scientist has won two major awards and just received a $500,000 grant to expand his research at York. Litoiu has won awards before, but these particular ones stem from his pioneering work […]
Monthly Archives: January 2011
SE @ York Talks – Yves-Roger Nehan on Intentional Services
The Intentional Services Method Dr. Yves-Roger Nehan, Computer Science Research Centre (CRI), University of Sorbonne, Paris Tuesday, December 15th, 2010, 2:00pm Technology Enhanced Building - TEL 3062 Service-orientation is emerging as the dominant engineering approach for modern information systems. The majority of work on service-oriented computing focuses on the concept of low-level services as fundamental […]