SE @ York Talks – Ivan Jureta on Techne

Techne: Towards a New Generation of Requirements Modeling Languages with Goals, Preferences, and Inconsistency Handling
Dr. Ivan Jureta
, FNRS & Louvain School of Management, University of Namur / UCLouvain

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010, 1:00pm
Technology Enhanced Building - TEL 3062

Techne is an abstract requirements modeling language that lays formal foundations for new modeling languages applicable during early phases of the requirements engineering process. During these phases, the requirements problem for the system-to-be is being structured, its candidate solutions described and compared in terms of how desirable they are to stakeholders. We motivate the need for Techne, introduce it through examples, and sketch its formalization.

Bio: Ivan's research focuses on ontologies, languages, logics, and methods for decision-making in the presence of imprecise, vague, incomplete, conflicting, and changing information and advice. He has published over 30 research papers on these topics within the fields of requirements engineering and conceptual modelling of information systems. In 2008, he received the best research paper award at the 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, and has since 2010 been elected member of the scientific committee at the same conference series. He is the author "Analysis and Design of Advice" (Springer, In press). In parallel with his research, Ivan held leading roles in the engineering of web applications that today serve about 500.000 people every day.